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Greek Tzatziki Pasta Salad

This time of year makes me so happy! Almost every week we plan some sort of adventure around here. You don’t have to be an outdoorsy person to love it, just not a couch potato. I can tell you, I am no couch potato. I think that’s why I have such a hard time enjoying winter, it’s hard to get out in the cold and enjoy it. I’ll take the heat though! Grab a water bottle and some snacks, or in our case, a picnic. Get outside and enjoy the fun! 

You know, I actually had to look up how to spell tzatziki. I kept spelling it wrong! Anyways, We planned a family picnic at the sand dunes, and I wanted to bring a pasta salad we hadn’t tried before. I got the idea for it from the Tzatziki sauce. It’s a Greek sauce that is tangy, full of flavor, and a beautiful color! It’s simple, and easy to make too! The rest of the ingredients are things you might find in a greek dish. It has Kalamata olives, feta cheese, and zesty lemon juice. Yum! Let’s get started! 

I can’t wait for y’all to try this dish, my family has asked for it several times already! If you need a pasta dish that’s different from your usual picnic pasta salad, your going to love this one! Here's what you will need to make this dish:

Pasta Dish:

1 Cucumber

2 Avocado

1 Package of Bacon

3/4  C Kalamata Olives

1 10 oz. Package of Baby Tomatoes

1/2-3/4 C Feta Cheese

1 Ib. Pasta

Tzatziki Sauce:

2 C Greek Yogurt

1 Cucumber

1 T Lemon Juice or juice from 1 lemon

1 tsp. Dill

1/2 tsp Salt

1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder

First thing you are going to want to make is the tzatziki sauce. This is very simple and delicious. When I make this, I love to use my food processor. A blender would do a great job as well.

First step is to prepare the cucumber. Cut it in half lengthwise, and scoop the seeds out with a spoon. Then dice your cucumber, and press with a paper towel. This way, you can soak up some of the extra water. Which makes a thicker sauce.

Add in the cucumber, yogurt, lemon juice, and seasonings. Flip the switch on your device, and blend away!

Now it's ready to enjoy! You are going to love this sauce! It’s is wonderful on this pasta salad. This tzatziki is also wonderful on chicken, and in gyros. 

For the pasta dish, dice your tomatoes, avocado, cucumber, bacon and Kalamata olives. Add them into a bowl. 

To the bowl, add in the cooked pasta, and feta cheese. Now toss your ingredients together. It’s looking pretty, and it doesn't even have the sauce on it yet! Poor your tzatziki sauce over the top, and toss it all together! 

My family has asked for me to make this Greek Tzatziki Pasta Salad several times already. Have fun creating, and sharing this Greek Tzatziki Pasta Salad this summer! Enjoy!

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