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Orange Glaze Turkey

When I was pregnant with my first, my cravings were Chik-fil-a, lemonade (especially Chik-fil-a lemonade), and turkey! We were out to dinner with my family one time, and I was so excited to find a turkey sandwich on the menu, the peculiar looks from my family were pretty funny. It isn't what I would have typically ordered at this restaurant.

Lucky for me, Thanksgiving was right around the corner and I had never been SO excited for it. Also lucky for me, this amazing turkey was on the menu. It is one of the best Turkeys ever! It's right next to the Fried Turkey my dad made one year. Oh yeah, it's good!! One more lucky thing, it's also easy to prepare, score! This is my mom's recipe and I can't wait for y'all to try it.

Here are the Ingredients and tools you will need:

3/4 C Orange Juice

1/2 C Peach Jelly

1/2 T Minced Garlic

1 tsp Powder Ginger

1 tsp Garlic Powder

1/4 C Honey

1 tsp. Corn Starch

Grill Mates Luau Packet

Turkey Injector

The First step is to blend all your ingredients, minus the corn starch and season packet. Thats for later. I just poured all my ingredients into my Vitamix blender, and let it work for 10-15 seconds. It was perfect!

Once its all mixed, split your sauce in half. The first half your going to inject into the turkey. Fill your injector and stick it into the thick meaty parts of your turkey. You'll see the meat start to balloon and fill.

For the other half of the sauce, I placed it in a sauce pan and whisked in some corn starch. Let it come to a boil for a minute, be sure to keep an eye on it. Then turn it off and let it cool and thicken. This yummy sauce is what you are going to use to glaze your bird every 20-30 minutes while its baking. After I brushed on my first layer of glaze I seasoned my turkey. Its a big bird, so don't be shy about adding on the seasonings. I used a packet of Grill Mates Luau seasoning, It goes nicely with this citrus glaze.

Let your turkey cook and you will have the most delicious bird for Thanksgiving, or any special occasion! Let me know what y'all think of this turkey and what kinds of yummy side dishes you'll be serving with this. I love hearing what different and tasty dishes are being cooked up. Happy Hungry Holidays friends!

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