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Honey Sunflower Seed Bread

Hey y'all! It's feeling a lot like Fall around here, and I couldn't be more excited! Isn't Fall the best time of year?! It's when all the holiday excitement starts! I have a great Fall recipe, that I can't wait for you to try. This is my sweet mother-n-law's recipe. She gave me it to share, and it is so good! One reason I love this recipe, is the combination of the sunflower seeds, and honey in the bread. The texture is just right. My girls can't wait to eat a slice of this whenever grandma whips it up.

This normally makes four loaves of bread, but that's a lot of bread for our small family! Plus, I don't think my mixer could handle the full recipe. So I cut the recipe in half, here it is!


2 1/2 C Water

1/3 C Butter

1/3 C Honey

1 Egg

2 C Wheat Flour +1 1/2 C

2 C White Flour +2 C

1/2 T Salt

1 T Yeast

1/2 C Oats

1/2 C Cornmeal

1/2 C Sunflower Seeds

First step is adding in your wet ingredients. Warm water, not hot, just warm. Next is the honey, my favorite ingredient! Plop in the butter and egg.

On top of your wet ingredients, you can layer on the dry ingredients. Start with the two cups of wheat flour and two cups of white. Then add the salt, be sure to put this on the side of the bowl. You don't want it too close to your yeast, or it might not rise very well. Make a little whole and add in the yeast.

Turn your mixer on and let it go to work. You might need to help it a little by scraping down the sides and making sure its mixing in all that yummy honey at the bottom of the bowl.

After its mixed well you can add in the sun flower seeds, oats and corn meal. These are the ingredients that give this bread it's delicious texture.

Once you have those mixed in, you'll find the dough is still very wet. Its time to use the rest of the flour, pour it in a little at a time. You can tell you have enough flour when the dough will completely pull away from the side of the mixer. Let the mixer kneed for about 15 minutes.

When the mixer finishes its job, then its time for you to do a little work. Flour a working surface and plop that beautiful dough out and start needing, and working your dough. I did this for about 10-15 minutes. The reason I kneed it by hand is to make sure my dough feels right, and is the consistency I want it.

Also, because, you are going to divide the dough into two loaves, and shape them.

Lastly, It's time to let your dough rise. Place them in your bread pans and put them in your oven at 170 degrees to prove for 30 minutes.

After they have proved and risen, turn your oven on to 350 degrees and bake for 35-40 minutes. The color turns a deep golden brown on top and looks fabulous! This is where I always have trouble, and want to pull my bread out too soon. I hate bread that is over cooked, but it's also disgusting if it's under baked. Careful not to pull it out too soon or too late! Everyones oven is different.

Let your loaves completely cool before you pull them out of the bread pans. When they are ready, slice and enjoy! This little sweetie is enjoying her Honey Sunflower seed bread slathered with butter, and drizzled with honey! Let us know what you think of this Honey Sunflower seed Bread? Or if you have any questions!


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