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If You Give A Pig a Party!

If You Give a...Birthday Party!

If you give a baby a party!!

It's my babies first birthday and I am so excited to tell you all about it!! I went with a few fun books for my birthday theme, the most well known is, 'If you give a mouse a cookie.' The author of these books is Laura Numeroff and if your little one doesn't have any of these books, I would check them out, because they are adorable! If you don't know this, let me tell you, our family loves books! They were always apart of our bedtime routine when we were little, and now it's the same for our own little kiddos.

Anyways, back to the party. I wanted to choose something from each book, to tie it in to her party theme.

I went with my own color scheme of different pinks, yellow and turquoise. I just love those happy colors!

Decorations! If you need some easy decorating ideas, here's what I put together, and what's great is you can do this for any birthday party. I love the layered banner look. It adds some fun color, easy to do and looks festive. I also added balloons and party hats! Now it's looking like a party! This all fits in with the two books pictured below too.

Game and entertainment time! I made up my own game for the party, dessert I spy. The kids had a blast! Now I'm not an artist, so try not to laugh too hard at my work! On each bag is an item from all the books, I have balloons from, 'If You Give a Pig a Party.' Cookies for, 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.' Cupcakes for, 'If you Give a Cat a Cupcake.' Pancakes for, 'If You Give a Pig a Pancake' and Donuts for, 'If You Give a Dog a Donut.' Whew, thats a mouthful!

To make the game I used different types of scrap booking paper and cut them into the shapes that I needed and glued pieces together. It was pretty simple. I made two of each item, one to go on the goodie bag it matched and another to hide somewhere around the room for the kids to spy and grab. I put different candies, bubbles, play-doh and other fun kiddie toys inside them.

To keep things simple, I also had coloring out for them, which went great with the book, 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.'

Food! It was hard to choose which desserts to serve with these books, I mean, it would be easy to go overboard and have dessert coming out of my ears! I went with Krispy cream donuts for, 'If You give a Dog a Donut." I also had to do cookies for, 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.' Now comes the really yummy part. I served breakfast foods since that goes with the books, "If You Give a Pig a Pancake,' and 'If You Give a Moose a Muffin.' Instead of pancakes though, we had the yummiest waffles!

This is my husbands waffle recipe! I highly recommend it! I also had fresh fruit, bacon, whip cream and different types of syrups. Ya'll have got to try my homemade buttermilk syrup, it tastes spectacular! Don't forget to wash it all down with some chocolate milk and orange juice!

Don's Belgian Waffles


2 C Flour

1 T Baking Powder

3 T Sugar

1/2 t Salt

2 C milk

3 Eggs, separated

1/2 C Butter

2 T Oil

2 t Vanilla Extract

First combine the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt.

Separate your eggs, put the egg yolks in a mixing bowl with the milk, melted butter, oil and vanilla. Now pour into your dry ingredients a mix them well.

Don't forget about those egg whites! Beat them with an electric mixer till peaks form. You'll want to be careful not to beat them too stiff though. Next, to mix that pretty white fluff.

Place the egg whites into your batter. You don't want to loose the air you just worked into the egg whites, so gently mix in the egg whites. Stir around the edge and fold into the middle.

They are ready to make! My family says they taste better than the restaurant and I completely agree!

As you can see, my baby loved her birthday cake flavored donut! This Party was perfect for my sweet little girl, everyone had so much fun!

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