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Cheesy Pierogi Casserole

Hey Ya'll! I just bought a new casserole dish! Its so pretty, I love it! You will probably be seeing a lot of it! So of course I had to make a casserole to share! Cheesy Pierogi Casserole, I love pierogis! If you haven't tried them, this is a great time to do so! They are kind of like mashed potato filled raviolis. This casserole is easy, has just a few ingridients, and is so yummy! My picky little girls even liked it! So that makes it perfect for a Back to School Dinner.

Here's what you need:

1 pound of ground hamburger, or ground turkey

1 bag of Pierogis

1 can of corn, drained

1cup of cheese

1 jar of gravy

1 cup of sour cream

Thats it!

First cook the meat up with some salt, and pepper. I added a little bit of onion, this is optional. I know a lot of kids, and some adults, that won't eat onions.

Then add in the jar of gravy, corn, and sour cream. Mix the ingredients together.

Boil the pierogis until slightly softened. Mix the ingredients together, and add them into your favorite casserole dish! I just love my new one!

Sprinkle the shredded cheese on top! Yum!

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. You can even broil the top for a minute, if you like. Enjoy!

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